January 25, 2015

Orchestration, Illustration and Frustration

"Your Own Orchestra" ...or something like that would be the header for the poster containing this -- the lines joining it (as few as possible) would offer my services as an arranger, orchestrator or, if you like, your very own little pianist for hire. Marketing is not my forte. Ironically, doing illustrations for marketing is something of my line...

So I wish that I could settle down. Toss this merry jumble off as easily for myself as I do it for others. Come what may. But marketing Muddles me...

Here you see some lesser details that might not reach the eye in real life, but there's something as a subconscious so I still think that they add to the overall effect.

So, then we only need a headline. A text. And I'd rather sit in the little studio right now with ears aching from adding violins, tuning the trumpets and keeping the bass down than trying to write the few necessary lines -- it's harder. The curious and interested may nonetheless find some of my output on YouTube, and you're always welcome to write to the little studio/illustrator/whatnot through
